Jean-Michel Peyrin

  • Adresse Cassan, bâtiment A, étage 3, porte 306, case courrier 12, 7 quai Saint Bernard, 75 252 PARIS CEDEX
  • Téléphone +33(0)144272496
  • Courriel


Jean-Michel Peyrin (PhD, Pharm.D) is an experienced researcher in neurobiology and in the prion field. He is also graduated in organic Chemistry from University René Descartes Pharmaceutical School. 

Jean-Michel Peyrin is currently research Director (DR2, CNRS) and team leader at the Institut de Biologie Paris Seine(IBPS; UMR8256 CNRS). Dr JM Peyrin has active interest in the propagation of neuronal dysfunction along neuronal pathways and the role axonal and synaptic degeneration in neurodegenerative syndromes. He is also strongly involved in developing compartimentalized microfluidic cell culture devices for primary neurons. The new microfluidic platforms he settled with his team allows the reconstruction of rodent and human neuronal networks in vitro. Prior joining CNRS and IBPS, JM Peyrin was assistant Professor at Université-de-Paris-Sud and INRA (National Agronomical Research Institute). He acquired strong experience in propagating infectious prions in primary neuronal cell cultures, allowing studying the pathogenic properties of prions in neurons. Jean-Michel Peyrin did his post-doctoral training in the laboratory of Gabriel Corfas at Harvard Medical School where he studied neuron / glia interaction during development. Prior this, he did his PhD in the laboratory of Pr D. Dormont (CEA, France) where he studied the neurobiological impact of prions infection.