

Post-docoral Position in Neurosiences - Glial Plasticity and Neuro-oncology

The Glial Plasticity and Neuro-oncology team of the Neurosciences Laboratory (UMR 8246) is recruiting!

Find all the details on the job description

Contacts: Marie-Pierre Junier and Thomas Daubon


Full Professor position in Artificial intelligence and Data Science for Biology

A full professor position is open at the Laboratory for Computational and Quantitative Biology (LCQB), Institut de Biologie Paris Seine (IBPS), Sorbonne University (SU) with a starting date from September 2022.



M2 internship proposal - Academic year 2021 - 2022: Development of imaging algorithms to follow constitutive heterochromatin dynamics.

Student training profile: Bioinformatics.

This project is part of a larger research program studying the impact of environmental hazards on developmental robustness of organ development using Drosophila melanogaster as a model system. Developmental robustness is understood here as the invariance of an organ in face of a set of intrinsic and extrinsic disturbances during its formation. We propose to analyse the organisation of constitutive heterochromatin during cell fate determination and differentiation as well as after the cellular response to these environmental risks. [...]


M2 internship Project – 2021-2022: Tubule morphogenesis : cellular and molecular aspects of nephric tubule formation in Xenopus

The cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying formation of tubular structures are very diverse within the living. In order to decipher these mechanisms, the laboratory uses as a model the Xenopus pronephros, which is the functional kidney of the tadpole. The Xenopus pronephros consists of a single giant nephron that comprises a filtration unit and a segmented tubular structure where reabsorption takes place. This nephron displays similar functional segmentation and regionalization to that observed in adult mammalian kidneys. [...]


M2 project proposal (2022): Identifying the neural correlates of an aversive response in zebrafish larvae

An animal is exposed to many competing external stimuli at any given time. The survival of an animal depends on identifying a single stimulus and executing the appropriate sequence of behavioral responses. One example is the freeze, flight or fight response upon aversive stimuli.  Studies have identified neuronal circuits that mediate these distinct behaviors and theoretical models have been proposed to explain how one circuit is selected amongst different circuits (Mysore and Kothari, 2020). However, the mechanism underlying the selection of only a single neuronal circuit is yet unclear. [...]


PhD Project 2021-2024 - How the kinase PKA and phosphatases control oocyte meiotic divisions?

Cell division equally partitions the duplicated genome into two daughter cells during the mitotic cell cycle. This process underlies reproduction, development, growth and maintenance of all organisms, while its deregulation produces genome instability and tumorigenesis. Thus, elucidating its basic control is a fundamental question in biology. M-phase entry is driven by changes of protein turn-over and phosphorylations, which ultimately activate the master kinase of cell division, Cdk1 (Cyclin-dependent kinase). This kinase irreversibly triggers entry and progression in mitosis by phosphorylating proteins that underly the mechanics of M-phase. [...]

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